Sunday, January 17, 2010

Year in review

One year ago today, we found out that we were going to have a baby! We were in Gatlinburg with my parents, sister, and brothers. After four pregnancy tests that Steve had to sneak around to buy, I finally believed that I was pregnant. We told my family the next morning. Everyone was so excited...especially my dad who literally jumped up into the air! We then got on the phone and started sharing our news. Little did we know how much the next year would challenge and change our lives!

After 41 weeks and 1 day of waiting, Sam was born! He was born on October 2, 2009 at 1:14 pm. He weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. We were so happy that our little boy made it into the world without harm. Now our home is an explosion of baby swings, seats, play mats, rattles and shakers. We've added new words to our vocabulary that we can't seem to live without....boppy, bumbo, mylicon, medela and aquafor! Looking back, it's been an amazing year! We praise the Lord for each new day we get to share with Sam. God has taught us to trust Him more as we strive to raise this little guy in a Godly home! We are also thankful for our family and friends who have helped us throughout this year.


  1. Yippie a Fletcher Family Blog! Joshua and I love it when our friends and family say they feel like they "know" Parker because of our blog. I'm looking forward to getting to "know" Sam as I will be stalking this blog daily.
    Love you and MISS YOU so much!

  2. i love that baby! We really enjoyed looking at the pics. In one pic he looks like Steve and in the next he looks like Jess. What an awesome combo!! Sooo sweet.~love Breigh bee
