Monday, August 9, 2010

Standing Alone

Sam is pulling up on everything and getting very brave! He has started to let go of the things he pulls up on. In the video you can see him standing while holding a ritz cracker box. Don't know why, but he loves boxes. He makes us laugh!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Best Buddies

Sam's best little buddy is Noah Edgil. Noah's parents are good family friends of ours, so of course the boys close! Noah's mom, Natalie and I were pregnant together and were so excited when we found out that we would both be having boys. It is really funny to watch their baby interaction! Sam gets very excited when Noah and Sophie (Noah's big sis) come over to visit. Sam likes to grab onto Noah and Noah just smiles back. Sooo cute! Sophie, who is 3, is also very playful with the boys. Sam follows her all over the house and thinks that she is hilarious. Here are a few pic's of these sweet babies. I'm sure there will be more to follow...

In these pictures, Sam is 5 1/2 months, Noah is 3 months, and Sophie is 3 years old. Ok, the matching outfits were not "really" planned. Although we didn't buy these outfits together, Noah showed up with the polo on and I couldn't resist putting Sam's on to match. Could not get the boys to both look at the camera, but Sophie had no trouble cheesing it for me!

In these pictures, Sam is almost 9 months, Noah is 6 months, and Sophie is 3 1/2. Still could not get them to all look at me. Now, the boys are much more mobile and active. They're so much fun!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Is it already time to start baby proofing?!

Sam is so active now! He has been scooting/crawling for about a month. Around last week he learned to sit up from the crawl position. Well, this weekend he started pulling up on things and standing up. I've posted pictures of his progression...sitting, pulling up, and smiling for the camera. He's a little unstable, but that doesn't seem to stop him!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sam's First Easter

Here are a few pictures from Sam's first Easter. We had a great morning celebrating Christ's Resurrection at church and then headed to in-laws for lunch.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Family/Friends in March and April

Wow! I am so behind!!! I can't believe it has been over 2 months since I last posted anything. Well, we've had a great two months! We were blessed to enjoy two visits from different family members and one trip to Georgia. It was wonderful to be close to people we love and rarely see! Sam really loved the extra attention from all of our family and friends! Here are a few pictures from all the different visits.

Steve went on a fishing trip friends in March. So... my mom, sister, and nephew came to keep Sam and me company for the weekend.
This is my nephew Calen and Sam. Calen is an awesome cousin. Sam loves to play with him and give him sugar on the cheek! Cute boys!!

When my mom, sister, and nephew were here, we went to the park. Sam had fun watching Calen play and Sam got to slide for the first time!

Sam laughing with Aunt Manda...she can always get him to smile and laugh!

While in Georgia, Sam and I went to eat lunch with Nana(my mom) and Grandma (my grandmother). We had a great time!

No, Sam! You are too little for whip cream...nice try Nana!

Grandma posing with our delicious banana pudding! Yummy!

Grandma, Nana, Mom, and Sam

In March, we also spent the weekend with my girlfriends (and their husbands) from high school. It's always a blast when we all get together. Sam had his first boat ride and his first sink bath.

My girls!!! Nicole, Elizabeth, me, and Jenny

Steve's dad and grandmother came to visit one weekend in April. Sam loves his Poppy and Granny!

Sam and his great-grandmother (Steve's grandmother)

Sitting up all by myself for my family!

Granny having a talk with Sam. He listened so carefully!

Sam playing with his Poppy (Steve's dad).

Saturday, February 6, 2010

4 month update

Well, I've been back to work for a month now. It's starting to feel like we've got a routine down for the week. It was so difficult at first, but I think we've adjusted to the change of two working parents! Sam's seems to have adjusted much better than I have. Although I enjoy teaching, it's tough to leave my little boy each day. But, we are sooooo blessed to have such wonderful help right now. For those of you who don't know, Steve's mother (Sam's DiNana) keeps Sam two days a week in our home. Three days a week Sam stays with a friend that I met through work. I actually taught her son in kindergarten and second grade. So he's probably more spoiled now than before I went back to work!

We went to the doctor February 4th for Sam's check-up and shots. His visit was great. He weighs 13 lbs 10 oz. and is 24 inches long. So, he's in between the 25th and 50th percentile for his weight and height. He handled the shots like a champ. He cried, I mean SCREAMED, after the shot, but calmed down before we even got to the elevator.

He has also reached a few milestones.

He has learned to roll over from his tummy to his back. It's so cute! After he does it he looks around smiling like he's so proud of his hard work. Here's a picture after he rolled over in his crib.

He can also roll over from his back to his tummy if he has something he can grab and pull himself over with.

He's enjoying his exersaucer...he's a little I have to pack blankets around him. Even though it's for a 4 month old baby his feet don't' even touch the bottom.

Of course, he's still babbling, smiling, and laughing all the time. His hands are also like magnets to whatever I have in my hand when I'm near him. Although he hasn't cut a tooth yet, he's still chewing and drooling all over the place. Sam loves taking a bath! He kicks and splashes as soon has his little bottom hits the water. Steve and I have learned that when he takes a bath we have to get two wash cloths out: one for Sam to hold and chew on and one for us to use to bath him. Sam also found a new friend last week in the bath tub...yes, he knows that he is a boy now!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Year in review

One year ago today, we found out that we were going to have a baby! We were in Gatlinburg with my parents, sister, and brothers. After four pregnancy tests that Steve had to sneak around to buy, I finally believed that I was pregnant. We told my family the next morning. Everyone was so excited...especially my dad who literally jumped up into the air! We then got on the phone and started sharing our news. Little did we know how much the next year would challenge and change our lives!

After 41 weeks and 1 day of waiting, Sam was born! He was born on October 2, 2009 at 1:14 pm. He weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. We were so happy that our little boy made it into the world without harm. Now our home is an explosion of baby swings, seats, play mats, rattles and shakers. We've added new words to our vocabulary that we can't seem to live without....boppy, bumbo, mylicon, medela and aquafor! Looking back, it's been an amazing year! We praise the Lord for each new day we get to share with Sam. God has taught us to trust Him more as we strive to raise this little guy in a Godly home! We are also thankful for our family and friends who have helped us throughout this year.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Into the mouth....

We are so blessed! Sam is now 15 weeks old! Steve and I cannot believe how quickly his first three months have gone by! We enjoy watching him learn and grow. He is such an active baby! He loves playing on his floor play mat and tries to put everything into his mouth! What started with his little knuckles has turned into whatever he can get his hands on. If you hold Sam, watch out! Shoulders, hands, hair and jewelry are a few of his favorites to grab. When he's not chewing on things, he loves to smile and babble to different people, toys, and even his own reflection. It is hilarious to hear him talk and laugh.

Recently, we started feeding Sam rice cereal. At first he was unsure of what to do with this new texture. Of course, he tried to put his hands in his mouth and even grab the spoon away from us. So, we learned quickly to hold his little hands while we feed him. He actually likes the cereal! As you can see in the pictures, I've got to work on getting the cereal into his mouth better...what a mess!