Friday, July 2, 2010

Best Buddies

Sam's best little buddy is Noah Edgil. Noah's parents are good family friends of ours, so of course the boys close! Noah's mom, Natalie and I were pregnant together and were so excited when we found out that we would both be having boys. It is really funny to watch their baby interaction! Sam gets very excited when Noah and Sophie (Noah's big sis) come over to visit. Sam likes to grab onto Noah and Noah just smiles back. Sooo cute! Sophie, who is 3, is also very playful with the boys. Sam follows her all over the house and thinks that she is hilarious. Here are a few pic's of these sweet babies. I'm sure there will be more to follow...

In these pictures, Sam is 5 1/2 months, Noah is 3 months, and Sophie is 3 years old. Ok, the matching outfits were not "really" planned. Although we didn't buy these outfits together, Noah showed up with the polo on and I couldn't resist putting Sam's on to match. Could not get the boys to both look at the camera, but Sophie had no trouble cheesing it for me!

In these pictures, Sam is almost 9 months, Noah is 6 months, and Sophie is 3 1/2. Still could not get them to all look at me. Now, the boys are much more mobile and active. They're so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Look at those sweet boys! When they are older, they will be able to talk about how they were friends from birth! I'm sure Sophie will still be "mothering" them when they are grown!
